Placement of lumboperitoneal shunt: Etiology of iatrogenic gastric perforation



Iatrogenic gastric perforation, Lumboperitoneal shunt complications, Pseudotumor cerebri, Obesity


Iatrogenic perforation can cause gastric perforation; among the complications of lumboperitoneal shunt placement, intestinal perforation is extremely rare vs. infectious complications; perforation may occur in the ascending colon with projection of the incision site. This case involves a 41-year-old patient, with gastric perforation from pseudotumor cerebri during incision in the abdominal right quadrant to insert a lumboperitoneal shunt.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Guzelyuz B, Taşkın HE, Kemerdere R, Kösem Y Özge T, Tahmazoğlu B, Çetintaş SC. Placement of lumboperitoneal shunt: Etiology of iatrogenic gastric perforation. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];6(4):533-4. Available from: