Price Policy

The Journal of Surgery and Medicine (JOSAM) does not charge authors article submission fees and it does not charge article processing fees. There are no fees required for authors to publish their work through the standard publishing processes.

All articles are freely available on our website as early online and on the day of publication. Our articles are Open Access (OA) and fully compliant with funder OA mandates, ensuring that they are free to read without a subscription.

JOSAM is a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any government institution/organization. Hence, the operation of the journal is solely performed by the voluntary efforts of the editors and reviewers. JOSAM and the publisher (SelSistem) do not have any financial agreement with the editors and reviewers.

In order to maintain the high standard of language quality in manuscripts submitted to JOSAM, we offer complimentary language accuracy assessments conducted by American Manuscript Editors (AME).

Optional Paid Services

JOSAM provides the following optional services for a fee.

- Academic Language Editing

For manuscripts that do not meet the required quality in terms of language accuracy, JOSAM offers academic language editing services provided by AME. This optional service is provided as a convenient solution for authors seeking assistance with their academic writing. Authors have the flexibility to select any academic language editing service of their choice. However, the final manuscript must successfully pass the language accuracy assessment. The pricing for this service is determined by the word count and the level of editing required.

- Rapid Review and Rapid Production Plans

JOSAM provides optional expedited review and production services for authors with pressing publication deadlines, such as graduation and promotion requirements.

- Fast-Track Review Process Price: 300.00 USD
- Rapid Production Plan Price: 350.00 USD

Details of these services are available at Rapid Plans.