Change in expression of NFκb and MUC5AC in nasal mucosa during pregnancy



pregnancy, immunity, NFκb, MUC5AC, nasal mucosa


Aim: There is very limited information concerning gestational course of chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper airway. In the current study, we tried to reveal biomolecular changes in the nasal mucosa during pregnancy regarding NFκb and MUC5AC. This way, we may have the opportunity to suggest new treatment strategies for pregnancy induced nasal disorders. Methods: Thirty adult female rats were separated into pregnant and control groups. Serum estradiole (E2) and progesterone (PG) levels were evaluated by ELISA. Nasal expression of NFκb and MUC5AC were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction testing. Relative expression of NFκb and MUC5AC was compared between two groups. In addition, the influences of PG and E2 levels on NFκb and MUC5AC were determined. Results: NFκb was significantly low (P=0.015), while MUC5AC was significantly high in pregnant rats (P=0.029). Serum PG had a significantly negative effect on NF-κB expression (P=0.027) and a significantly positive effect on MUC5AC expression (P=0.017). There was a positive correlation between estradiol and MUC5AC (P=0.017). Conclusions: In the current study, the physiological expression of NFκb and MUC5AC was shown for the first time by PCR in rat nasal mucosa. The effect of PG and E2 on the expression of these biomolecules in the context of pregnancy was also revealed. These findings have the potential to elucidate gestational inflammatory alterations in the upper airway.


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How to Cite

Ülkümen B, Artunc-Ulkumen B, Batir MB, Çam S. Change in expression of NFκb and MUC5AC in nasal mucosa during pregnancy. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(9):771-4. Available from: