Risk Assessments, Pregnancy and Birth Processes of Pregnant Women at Primary Health Care Center: A Retrospective Study
Risk, Pregnancy, Early birthAbstract
Aim: Although many pregnancies and birth processes have passed without any problems, all pregnancies have various risks. The main purpose should be to control risky situations in pregnancy without threatening the health of mother and baby. Our study was carried out in order to investigate the complications related to the risks determined by the risk assessments of women who were followed during pregnancy and puerperants in a family health center.
Methods: Women who were registered in the family medicine unit and whose pregnancy and puerperium were followed were scanned through the automation system during the study period. During the pregnancy periods, risk factors and time of birth were examined. Patients with any risk factor were considered as risky pregnant and examined whether a pathological condition developed during pregnancy or during the postpartum period.
Results: It was determined that during pregnancy period 10 pregnant women had at least one risk factor of 81 pregnant women whose risk assessments were examined. The distribution of risk factors was as follow; 3 with grand-multiparity story, 3 with preterm delivery, 2 with pregnancy over 35, 2 with Rh incompatibility, 1 with cardiovascular disease, 1 with multiple pregnancy, 1 with preterm labor, and under 18 years of age in 1 pregnant women was determined. It was found statistically significant that the risk of having a risk factor was higher than that of non-risk patients at 38 weeks (p<0.01). Among the risk factors, when the patients with preterm delivery and preterm delivery were excluded, it was also found that the preterm delivery risk increased significantly (p=0.012).
Conclusions: In pregnancies with risk factors, complications may occur much more than normal pregnancies. Therefore, it is very important for women to communicate with family physicians while planning pregnancy, if their risks are identified and appropriate approach protocols are used to ensure that both the mother and baby survive and maintain a healthy life.
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