Working conditions and burnout syndrome in private bank branch employees in Ankara, Turkey



Bank Branch Employees, Burnout, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Working Conditions


Background/Aim: Burnout is a syndrome of physical exhaustion, prolonged fatigue, and helplessness reflected by negative attitudes on work, life, and other people around. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between burnout and working conditions in the banking sector, which has intense emotional demands. Methods: The research group consisted of 1183 individuals working in 138 different branches. A data form questioning the working conditions and sociodemographic characteristics of the participants that may be related to the burnout level was filled with face-to-face interviews. Burnout level was determined using the Maslach Burnout Inventory. This was planned as a cross-sectional research. Results: Higher levels of burnout was determined in those who thought that their family income was insufficient, who had to work more than 8.5 hours per day, who were exposed to physical or mental violence, those with chronic diseases and finally, workers who thought they dealt with too many customers in a day. Conclusion: It appears that the burnout levels of the employees can be reduced by arrangements at corporate and individual levels in addition to the regulations that can be realized within the legislation.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Koyuncu A, Ela S, Yıldız M İrem, Kaymaz Özlem, Akbaş ES, Gedikli B, Yıldız AN. Working conditions and burnout syndrome in private bank branch employees in Ankara, Turkey. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 9];5(1):1-7. Available from: