Color Doppler ultrasonography findings of vertebral arteries: A correlation with 64-slice CTA



Vertebral artery, Doppler ultrasound, Computed tomography angiography, Vertebrobasilar insufficiency


Background/Aim: Although normal Color Doppler US (CDU) findings of the carotid system were described by many studies, normal findings of the vertebral system have not been studied extensively. This study aimed to evaluate vertebral artery CDU hemodynamic and morphologic findings in patients with normal vertebral arteries (VAs) on 64-slice Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) and investigate the correlation between RDUS and CTA in evaluating the VA anatomy. Methods: In this retrospective cohort analysis, the patients referred to our radiology department for CTA who had normal VA anatomy underwent a CDU for visualization of the orifice and segments (V1-V2) of the VA. Peak systolic velocity (PSV), and end-diastolic velocity (EDV) were measured in V1 while PSV, EDV were measured and resistive index and FV were calculated in V2. The presence of hypoplasia and dominance were noted. Results: A total of 77 patients who had normal vertebral arteries on CTA were included in this study. CDU findings were highly consistent with multislice CTA findings regarding the measurement of VA diameter (ICC=0.856, ICC=0.830), hypoplasia (kappa=0.488), and dominance (kappa=0.752). No consistency was found between the two modalities in the visualization of the orifice and V1 segment of the VAs on both sides. CTA was able to show the orifice and the V1 segment in all cases, while the success rate was lower in CDU, especially in terms of visualizing the orifice of VA. VA FV was not significantly different between the patients with and without vertebrobasilar insufficiency (P=0.300). Conclusion: CDU findings were consistent with 64-slice CTA findings in VA diameter measurement and the diagnosis of hypoplasia and dominance. However, CTA is more successful than RDUS in evaluating the vertebral artery orifice and V1 segment, the most common sites of atherosclerotic involvement. There was no significant difference between the patients with and without VBI symptoms in evaluating FV.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Yılmaz BK, Ergün E, Koşar PN, Şimşek Karataş B, Turgut AT. Color Doppler ultrasonography findings of vertebral arteries: A correlation with 64-slice CTA. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];5(7):705-9. Available from: