Depression prevalence among diabetic patients and comparison of demographics and complications



Diabetes Mellitus, Depression, Beck Depression Inventory


Background/Aim: Living with diabetes brings psychological difficulties for many patients and puts them in a depressed state. This reduces follow-up and treatment compliance and increases anxiety in terms of complications. Incompliance of follow-up and treatment can increase macro and micro complications in patients in a vicious circle. In this respect, clinicians should be careful during the follow-up and treatment of the patients. In this study, our aim was to determine the depression rate among diabetic patients and its relationship with demographic findings and complications. Methods: Patients who are followed up regularly at our hospital’s diabetes clinic between July and August 2019 were included and a case-control study was planned. BDI questions were answered by patients under supervision after obtaining patient consent. Patients with BDI >16 were considered depressed. Demographic characteristics, habits, data about diabetes follow-up, treatments and results of BDI were analyzed. The patients were evaluated in terms of cardiovascular, neurological, and ophthalmologic complications. The control group comprised healthy volunteers without any additional diseases. Results: A total of 281 patients participated in this study and the depression rate was 66.5%. There were 156 females (55.5%) and 125 males (44.5%). Among them, 60.3% of females and 74.4% of males had depression. The mean blood glucose and HbA1c levels were 151 mg/dl (68-475) and 8 mg/dL (4-14), respectively. Based on BDI, 68% of T2DM patients (n=83) and 50% of T1DM patients (n=11) had depression (P=0.087). Depression rates were 66.7% (n=9) between the ages of 20 and 34 years (P=0.035), 50% (n=36) between the ages of 35 and 49 years, 27.5% (n=138) between the ages of 50 and 64 years, and 32.7% (n=98) over the age of 65 years. The control group (n=50) included 32 females (64%) and the depression rate was 35% (n=17). Conclusion: Every stage of diagnosis, treatment and follow up of diabetes causes physiological stress in patients, which reflects in their lives. We must consider that depression, a treatable disease, affects the management and treatment of diabetes.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Işık AC, Akın S. Depression prevalence among diabetic patients and comparison of demographics and complications. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];5(2):179-82. Available from: