The relationship between AB0 blood groups and COVID-19



Blood Group, COVID-19, Pandemic, Infeciton


Aim: Although COVID-19 infection spreads very quickly, not every individual is infected at the same rate. It should be investigated whether blood groups affect this difference in susceptibility to COVID-19. This study was conducted to investigate whether there was a relationship between AB0 and Rh blood groups and COVID-19 patients. Methods: A total of 535 patients suspected of COVID-19 who were admitted to the emergency departments and pandemic polyclinics of 3 different hospitals were included in this prospective cohort study. The patients were divided into two groups as those with positive and negative results according to the swab test. According to the ABO and Rh subgroups of the patients whose blood groups were known, each patient was evaluated for the presence of COVID-19. The data on patients' age, gender, complaints during the admission, blood groups, and swab test results were recorded in the study forms, and statistical analyses were performed. Results: The mean age of the patients was 45.5 (22.2) years. There were 291 (54.40%) males and 244 (45.60%) females. It was observed that most patients had A Rh + blood group (n=225, 42.1%). When age groups were compared in terms of gender, swab test results, and blood groups, no significant differences were found (P=0.307, P=0.316 and P=0.694, respectively). Conclusion: We found that no specific blood group increased the risk of getting infected with COVID-19. However, according to our results, those with A Rh – and A Rh +, 0 Rh - and AB Rh - blood groups had a higher risk of catching COVID-19, while those with 0 Rh + blood group had a lower risk.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Gür A, Ekmekyapar M, Şahin L. The relationship between AB0 blood groups and COVID-19. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];4(11):956-9. Available from: