Fournier gangrene in a puerperal woman: An unusual presentation
Fournier gangrene in a puerperia
Anal Fissure, Fournier Gangrene, infections, wound therapy, Vacuum-Assisted ClosureAbstract
Fournier’s gangrene (FG) is a localized form of necrotizing fasciitis that originates in the perineum and external genitalia. Its incidence is low, at 1.6 per 100,000, contributing to less than 0.02% of hospitalizations, and it is particularly rare in women. This report focuses on a case of FG in a 34-year-old woman who had recently undergone a cesarean delivery. The patient, a second-time mother with one previous birth, arrived at our hospital complaining of hip pain during her full-term pregnancy. Post-delivery, she was diagnosed with FG. Her most likely risk factor was a prior anal fissure and home-applied herbal therapy to the affected area. It is important to keep in mind that FG should be considered if an abscess develops in the urogenital region. FG is a potentially fatal infection that necessitates immediate diagnosis and treatment. Its effective management typically includes frequent and thorough debridement, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and diligent wound care.
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