Outcome measures used in lower extremity amputation: Review of clinical use and psychometric properties



Amputation, Lower extremity, Outcome assessment, health care, Psychometrics


Decreased mobility and negative effects of poor functional status (FS) significantly reduce the quality of life in individuals with lower extremity amputation (LEA). These parameters should be evaluated in detail, and FS should be revealed. Measuring the results is important in terms of enabling clinicians to evaluate the quality of care and the effectiveness of treatment. The fact that the measurements are not purposeful makes the obtained results (evidence) and consecutively treatments unreliable. To obtain valid and reliable results, it is important to use measurement tools that are valid and reliable. Considering all these, the current FS should be evaluated using valid and reliable outcome measures (OMs). Numerous OMs are used to evaluate the FS of individuals with LEA. The multiplicity of available criteria, when coupled with the concept of multidimensional FS, complicates the selection of appropriate OMs for use with this population. Resources providing information about OMs used in the domain of LEA are limited in the literature. Many of the commonly used OMs are not included in the available sources. This review is designed to provide up-to-date information on clinical suitability and psychometric properties of OMs used in individuals with LEA. We believe that this study will help healthcare professionals serving in the field of LEA and prosthetics to learn about and choose the appropriate OMs.


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How to Cite

Yıldız NT, Kocaman H, Yazıcıoğlu FG. Outcome measures used in lower extremity amputation: Review of clinical use and psychometric properties. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2021 May 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(5):544-9. Available from: https://jsurgmed.com/article/view/789623