Is hamstring muscle shortness responsible for low back pain in healthcare professionals?
Low back pain in healthcare professionals
hamstring shortness, low back pain, healthcare workersAbstract
Background/Aim: Low back pain (LBP) is a highly prevalent pathology affecting more than half of our population. The lumbar region inherently possesses a complex structure; therefore, dozens of causes for the clinical presentation of acute/chronic pain are present. We focused on the impact of hamstring shortness on LBP in healthcare workers/professionals who need to keep medical records and perform invasive procedures while traveling overwhelming distances in relatively small workplaces.
Methods: Our research was designed as a cross-sectional study and was conducted at Beykent University Hospital from March to April 2022. Sixty-two otherwise healthy healthcare workers/professionals aged 25–45 (both male and female) volunteered. Two equal groups with and without LBP were created. Oswestry disability index, Roland–Morris score, Quebec LBP questionnaire, Visual Analog Scale (VAS), active/passive knee extension, sit and reach, and forward bending tests were performed in each group. The collected data were statistically analyzed (confidence interval [CI]=20%; P<0.05).
Results: Active/passive knee extension, sit and reach, and toe touch tests were significantly related to Roland–Morris, Quebec, and Oswestry Disability Index questionnaires; thus hamstring muscle shortness was significantly related to chronic low back pain (P<0.05). Short hamstring muscle length could accurately reflect the lower test scores obtained by the female participants.
Conclusion: Hamstring muscle shortness could explain a significant proportion of low back pain in healthcare professionals.
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