Helicobacter pylori incidence of patients with gastritis in endoscopic biopsies



H. pylori, Incidence, Age, Gender


Aim: H. pylori is the most common permanent bacterial infection worldwide and an important health problem in terms of the diseases it causes. The aim of this study was to determine H. pylori incidence according to age and gender in biopsy materials of patients who were diagnosed with gastritis.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined the endoscopic and pathological reports of 1240 patients who were diagnosed with gastritis between June 2014 and October 2019 and underwent biopsy from the antrum. The incidence of H. pylori infection was evaluated according to age and gender. Based on the Sydney classification, the patients were scored as none (-), low (+), medium (++) and high (+++) in the pathological records. Patients were divided into 5 age groups: 18-34, 35-44, 45-64, 65-74 and ≥75 years.
Results: A total of 1240 patients, 664 (53.5%) females and 576 (465%) males were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 49.9 (16.2). A total of 422 (34.0%) patients were H. pylori (+), while 818 (66.0%) were H. pylori (-). H. pylori density was low in 123 (29.1%) patients, medium in 207 (49.1%) patients, and high in 92 (21.8%) patients. There was no difference in terms of H. pylori positivity with regards to age and gender (P=0.296, P=0,812, respectively). The number of H. pylori (+) and (-) patients in the groups were as follows: Group 1: 71 (16.8%) vs. 160 (19.6%), Group 2: 125 (29.6%) vs. 186 (22.7%), Group 3: 134 (31.8%) vs. 281 (34.4%), Group 4: 60 (14.2%) vs. 120 (14.7%) and Group 5: 32 (7.6%) vs. 71 (8.7%). H. pylori positivity rates were as 30.7%, 40.2%, 32.3%, 33.3% and 31.1% for groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Although the Group 2 (35-44 years) had the highest rate, it was not statistically significant (P=0.117).
Conclusion: In our study, the incidence of H. pylori was 34%, and this rate is pleasing in terms of decreasing H. pylori incidence in our country compared to previous studies


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Research Article

How to Cite

Karagöz H, Karaman A. Helicobacter pylori incidence of patients with gastritis in endoscopic biopsies. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2020 May 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4(5):359-62. Available from: https://jsurgmed.com/article/view/738554