The evaluation of calcium as a prognostic factor in non-traumatic cardiopulmonary arrests



Corrected calcium level, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Prognosis


Aim: Cardiopulmonary arrests (CPA) should be rapidly responded to in emergency departments (ED). Arrests associated with coronary cardiac diseases are held responsible for about 90% of sudden mortality over the age of 18 years. In our study, the effect of calcium on prognosis was investigated in patients who were admitted to our emergency department with non-traumatic CPA and underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Methods: The data of 132 non-traumatic CPA patients who were admitted to the emergency room between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2019 were examined from the hospital registry for this cohort study. The demographic features (age, gender, mortality, and the presence of diseases in their medical history) were noted. Blood was collected from patients at the time of admission to the ED. Adjusted serum Ca+2, potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) electrolyte levels were evaluated among patients who were either admitted to the intensive care unit or died.
Results: Fifty-eight (43.93%) patients died in the emergency department, and 74 (56.07%) were admitted to intensive care units. There were no comorbid diseases in 50.76%. Coronary artery disease, respiratory diseases and others were found in 23.46%, 6.06% and 19.7% of the patients, respectively. In the patient group declared “exitus” in the intensive care unit after CPR, serum adjusted calcium levels were significantly higher compared to the surviving patient group (P=0.041)
Conclusion: It was noted that adjusted Ca+2 concentration can be a beneficial parameter in determining the prognosis in non-traumatic arrest cases. 


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Research Article

How to Cite

Şahin L, Gül HF, Dolanbay T, Öterkuş M. The evaluation of calcium as a prognostic factor in non-traumatic cardiopulmonary arrests. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4(6):475-8. Available from: