A bibliometric analysis of Bacillus anthracis research published between 1975 and 2018



Bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Anthrax, Bacillus anthracis


Aim: Bibliometrics is a recent field and is performed to quantitatively assess the academic quality of journals or authors using statistical procedures such as citation rates, contents, authorship relations and productivity. Although anthrax still remains important globally, the scientific literature lacks a bibliometric assessment of the anthrax literature. In this study, it is aimed to perform the bibliometric analysis of anthrax.

Methods: The data in this study were extracted from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) from 1975 to December 2018. The database is accessible back to 1975 and we searched all documents using keywords [Bacillus anthracis OR anthrax] in the “Title” field.

Results: WoS database search recorded a total of 5557 publications. More than half of the publications were original articles (n=3828, 68.8%). The country with the greatest number of publications was the United States of America (n=3203), followed by England (n=301) and France (n=264). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention had the most published documents about anthrax with 210 papers and 3.7% of the total literature. The most productive authors are Leppla SH, Collier RJ, and Mock M (n=236, 124, 101 documents), respectively. The most productive journal was Infection and Immunity, which covered 4.3% of the publications with 241 manuscripts.

Conclusion: In this first bibliometric study in the literature about anthrax we found that nonendemic developed countries dominated the anthrax literature. This study will encourage further studies about the investigation of anthrax, which is endemic in some parts of the world.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Savcı Ünsal. A bibliometric analysis of Bacillus anthracis research published between 1975 and 2018. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];3(9):666-71. Available from: https://jsurgmed.com/article/view/618738