Biochemical and histopathological evaluation of taxifolin: An experimental study in a rat model of liver ischemia reperfusion injury



Ischemia, Reperfusion, Rat, Taxifolin


Aim: Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) procedure applied during liver resection and transplantation in clinic settings causes liver oxidative damage. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of taxifolin on liver injury induced by I/R in rats.

Methods: Albino Wistar male rats divided into three groups with 6 rats in each group: liver ischemia-reperfusion (LIR), 50 mg/kg taxifolin + liver ischemia reperfusion (TLIR) and sham operation (SHAM). An hour before thiopental sodium anesthesia, 50 mg/kg taxifolin was orally administered to the TLIR group and distilled water to the LIR and SHAM groups. In the TLIR and LIR groups, a clamp was placed in the hepatic artery, portal vein and bile duct, thereby inducing ischemia for one hour, and reperfusion for six hours. In the SHAM group, the abdominal cavity was closed by surgical suture without any procedure. At the end of this period, rats were sacrificed with high dose anesthesia. Liver tissues were removed for biochemical and histopathological examinations

 Results: I/R procedure significantly increased MDA (P<0.001), ALT, AST levels (P<0.001) and decreased tGSH level (P<0.001) in liver tissue compared to SHAM group. In the taxifolin treated group, this effect was suppressed. Histopathologically, in the I/R induced group, pathological findings such as dilated congested blood vessel, hemorrhage, destruction in the liver parenchyma and edema observed. Liver tissue in the taxifolin group had near-normal appearance except mild sinusoidal congestion.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that taxifolin is an effective agent in reducing hepatic damage caused by I/R.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Eken H, Kurnaz E. Biochemical and histopathological evaluation of taxifolin: An experimental study in a rat model of liver ischemia reperfusion injury. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];3(7):494-7. Available from: