Evaluation of information, expectation and satisfaction in hospitalized patients; Observational survey study



Satisfaction, Hospitalized patients, Expectation


Aim: Evaluating the satisfaction of hospitalized patients can be worth as much as the service quality provided. For the improvements to be made in this regard, satisfaction, knowledge and expectations should be determined. In this study we wanted to determine the current situation in a tertiary hospital.
Methods: Survey-based observational study was planned. A two-stage questionnaire was developed for hospitalization and discharge, respectively. After the number of samples was determined, the patients who were treated for at least three days in the surgical clinic were taken to the study. In the analysis, descriptive statistics (number, percent), mean (standard deviation) for appropriate numerical data for normal distribution were used.
Results: One-hundred-and-fifteen patients were included in the study and questionnaires were administered. The mean age of the patients was 43.2 (16.2), 44 were male and 71 were female. Education and monthly income were found to be low in most of the patients. The most important situation in choosing our hospital was found to be inadequate economic situation. Although 60% of patients do not admit that every procedure is a risk, only 35.7% of patients in any complication stated that they could trust their doctor. When the satisfaction of the hospital was questioned in the exit questionnaire, an average of 7.5 (2) out of 10 was found.
Conclusion: It is necessary to increase the level of satisfaction, to question different dimensions of services, to give importance to patient demands, to question quality work of hospital employees, to determine difficulties and to reevaluate patient satisfaction at regular intervals.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Çalışkan YK, Başak F. Evaluation of information, expectation and satisfaction in hospitalized patients; Observational survey study. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2019 May 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];3(5):353-6. Available from: https://jsurgmed.com/article/view/560209