Laparoscopic management of cornual pregnancy: A case report
Laparoscopy, Ectopic pregnancy, Cornual pregnancyAbstract
The incidence of cornual or interstitial pregnancy is approximately 2% of all pregnancies. Interstitial pregnancy is one of the rare form of ectopic pregnancies, with 1-6% of all ectopic pregnancies. In our case report, we present successful laparoscopic resection of a cornual pregnancy with positive fetal cardiac activity and laparoscopic suturing of cornu uteri. A 26-year-old pregnant; gravida 2, para 0, abortus 1; was admitted with a complaint of left lower quadrant abdominal pain. An ultrasound examination was performed. The ultrasound examination revealed a 4-cm ectopic gestational sac with positive cardiac activity in the left adnexa. Laparoscopy was planned. A left uterin approximately 3x4 cm cornual pregnancy was observed, under direct visualization, one 5-mm coagulating dissector was used to perform the resection and seal of the cornu uteri. After the sealing, two times laparoscopic suturing was applied. Detecting interstitial pregnancy is more difficult than revealing other ectopic pregnancy types. Severe hemorrhage could occur during the resection of the cornu uteri. Therefore, a laparoscopic approach should only be attempted if the surgeon is well skilled in laparoscopic technique, and has the capability to convert the operation quickly to a laparotomy.
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