The effects of health warning labels on cigarette packages on patients who apply to cardiology clinic



Health warning labels, Cigarette smoking


Aim: Health warning labels (HWLs) on cigarette packages, which describe the health problems that may be caused by smoking, have been used struggle against smoking for many years. There are no studies in Turkey that investigate how HWLs used abroad have an impact on the population, and especially on patients who apply to cardiology clinic. In this study, we investigated the effect of HWLs on patients who apply to cardiology clinic and compared the HWLs used in our country with those used abroad which we considered to be harsh and striking.

Methods: In this descriptive study, a questionnaire consisting of 45 questions was administered to 239 patients who applied to cardiology clinic. 14 different visuals used in our country and 9 different visuals used in foreign countries were compared. 

Results: In our study, 28.9% of the participants who applied to cardiology clinic have never smoked, 36.0% of them still smoked and 35.1% of them were ex-smokers. 57.7% of the survey participants stated that the HWLs on cigarette packages were effective and 90.8% of the participants stated that warnings in foreign countries were more effective than the ones in Turkey.

Conclusion: This study shows that even among patients who apply to cardiology clinic, smoking is still common. When compared to the HWLs used in our country, the ones used abroad were found to be more effective by the majority of the participants. The use of harsher and more striking HWLs seem to be more effective to struggle against smoking.


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How to Cite

Akşit E, Bakar Çoşkun, Özerdoğan Özgür, Turgay Yıldırım Özge, Aydın F, Hüseyinoğlu Aydın A, Kırılmaz B, Gazi E, Duygu A. The effects of health warning labels on cigarette packages on patients who apply to cardiology clinic. J Surg Med [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];2(3):303-9. Available from: