Recurrent Unilateral Gonadoblastoma - A rare histopathological presentation
Gonadoblastoma, Seminoma, Yolk sac Tumor, Ambiguous genitaliaAbstract
Gonadoblastoma is a rare benign tumor that has the potential for malignant transformation and affects patients with disorders of sexual development. The exact prevalence of gonadoblastoma is not known. The association of gonadoblastomas with dysgerminoma is seen in 50-60% of cases and with other malignant germ cell tumours like yolk sac tumour, embryonal carcinoma and choriocarcinoma in 10% of cases. We herewith report a rare case of recurrent unilateral gonadoblastoma in a 10 year old Indian male who presented with abnormal passage of urine since birth. Physical examination showed a phenotypic male with undescended right testis and ambiguous external genitalia. Computed tomography scan reported mixed density solid cystic mass in pelvis with peripherally enhancing solid component and a few punctuate foci of calcification. Histo-pathological examination showed a heterogeneous tumor comprising of malignant seminomatous, sertoli and leydig cell tumor along with yolk cell tumor component. Serum alpha fetoprotein was raised to 1210 ng/ml.
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