Retrospective evaluation of patients presenting with acute abdominal pain in the green area of emergency clinic: A cohort study.
Emergency services, Green area, Acute abdominal painAbstract
Aim: In emergency services applications, patients are stable as a general condition and have simple health problems that may be provided outpatient treatment, are defined as green area patients. Abdominal pain is a common cause of referral to the emergency clinic. In our study, patients admitted to our hospital with acute abdominal pain in the emergency room green areas were evaluated in all respects.
Methods: A retrospective observational study was designed to evaluate patients presenting with acute abdominal pain in green areas. The sample group consisted of 342 patients. Diagnosed / pre-diagnosed patients were identified as specific diagnosis. Diagnosis unclear patients were identified as non-specific diagnosis. Results are evaluated in two categories: 1. Inpatient treatment (surgical or medical treatment), 2. Outpatient (medical treatment ).
Results: The values of hematologic parameters such as BASO%, HCT, PDW, RBC and RDW were statistically significant different between the groups of specific and nonspecific diagnosis. (p in order 0.049, 0.003, 0.015, <0.001 and 0.005). Also a statistically significant difference was found in LY%, MO#, NEU#, NEU%, WBC values between discharged from inpatient and outpatient clinic control groups (p <0.0001, 0.0002, <0.0001, <0.0001 and <0.0001, respectively).
Conclusion: Although non-specific acute abdominal pain is the most common cause of referral to the emergency services green area, careful history, physical examinations and inspections for detection of acute abdominal pain in our patients are guiding us.
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