Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) gene Q192R polymorphism in patients with vitiligo
PON1 Q192R gene polymorphism and vitiligo
Vitiligo, PON1 gene Q192R, PolymorphismAbstract
Background/Aim: Vitiligo is a prevalent inflammatory illness that can affect the skin and mucosal surfaces and is characterized by patchy loss of skin pigmentation. Paraoxonase1 (PON1) is an esterase enzyme with antioxidant properties that binds to high-density lipoproteins. We examined whether the PON1 gene Q192R polymorphism is a risk factor for vitiligo among Turkish people.
Methods: The study included 70 controls and 60 vitiligo cases. Polymerase chain reaction and the restriction fragment length polymorphism technique were used to genotype the PON1 gene Q192R polymorphism.
Results: PON1 gene Q192R genotype distribution was 66.7% QQ, 33.3% QR, and 0% RR in the vitiligo and 81.4% QQ, 18.6% QR, and 0% RR in the control (P = 0.05). When vitiligo patients were compared with controls, the prevalence of the PON1 QR genotype was substantially higher and was linked to a 2.19-fold greater risk of developing vitiligo (odds ratio: 2.19, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.97–4.91).
Conclusion: These findings imply that Q192R polymorphisms in the PON-1 gene may be linked to vitiligo in the Turkish population. The PON1 QR genotype may be a major genetic risk factor for vitiligo susceptibility and progression. Further studies with larger populations should more thoroughly clarify the association.
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